Sequential Sampler for
Gaseous Compounds

Outdoor Air Quality TCR Tecora
Echo Tube Campionatore su Fiale per Composti Gassosi

Adsorbent vials compartment




Gas Sampling Head


Sampling Line


Volumetric meter 


Laminar Cell (Flow measurement from 10 cc/min)


Ultrasonic Anemometer

Echo Tube Sequential Sampler for Gaseous Compounds

The ECHO TUBE Sequential Sampler for Gaseous Compounds has been studied and designed for sequential sampling on vials for gaseous compounds at flowrate from 100 to 200 cc/min, and to comply to regulation request on sampling field, prescribed in the EN 14662-2:2005 “Ambient air quality – Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations – Part 2: Pumped sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography”



ECHO TUBE with additional options, meets all the indications of the norms EN ISO 16000-3 and EPA TO 11-A about indoor and outdoor formaldehyde sampling.

Temperature regulation system and post-sampling maintaining (option). The regulations require, in order not to alter the sample and affect the analytical result,
to heat the vial if temperature drop below 10°C. Also, sampling completed, the vials have to be cooled at 4°C.

This procedure is particularly suitable in case of 3-hour sampling within 24-hour day.

Line ventilation before and after sampling (option). Before starting the sampling, an automatic system allows ventilation and conditioning of the incoming supply air line. At the next sampling, the operation is repeated.

Heated line (option). The external sampling tube is made of AISI 316L stainless steal and heated to max 50°C (option) as required by standard. This is particularly suitable for low temperature, even below 0°C.

Scrubber to eliminate ozone (option). Particular attention has been paid during the design phase to allow the user to use both potassium iodide filled vials available in the market and as well as system with copper coil to be treated with potassium iodide (procedure described in the standard).

Up to 32 Vials!

The containment structure and an additional vials support system (option) allow sampling up to max 32 vials, commonly available on the market. The vials manifold supports are equipped with stainless steel electro valves on both sides to seal the vial before and after sampling, avoiding external contamination.

EVENT BASED Selective Sampling

Via digital input (from data logger or other device) it is possible to command a sampling sequence. Furthermore, with a wind speed/ direction sensor (optional) and dedicated programming, the sampling is activated with predetermined flowrate and timing.

Echo Tube Campionametno Seletivo Event Based TCR Tecora

Main Features

  • Instantaneous flow measurement through calibrated orifice and flow regulation through special motorized valve;
  • Sampled volume measurement through volumetric counter;
  • Flowrate regulation from 0.1 to 2 l/min;
  • Anti-pulse system to ensure constant flowrate and to avoid fluctuations;
  • High accuracy in flow measurement;
  • Manual starter, through timer (start/ stop), with external event via digital input or with meteorological data input;
  • Information on customer/site/measuring area insertable from keyboard;
  • Memorization up to 512 sampling sessions (location, number of vials, volume sampled, min temperature, med, max);
  • Measurement of temperature and atmospheric pressure, environmental humidity (optional);
  • Data report downloadable through USB port or through WIFI from any device (smartphone/tablet/PC);
  • Power losses memorization and visualization on the report;
  • Measurement of line low pressure for functional checking and leakage test;
  • Available power supply: 230VAC – 110VAC.

Technical Features

Echo Tube Sequential Sampler Technical Features TCR Tecora

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