EN 14385 Stationary Source Emissions – Sampling Train
A Compact Way to Sample Heavy Metals
A Compact Way to Sample Heavy Metals
Join the reliability of our ISOKINETIC G4 with the lightness and easy of use of rotative probe and you get the perfect sampling train for Heavy Metals. EN14385 has given us the all the information needed to develop and manufacture the fully compliant system to the standard.
Our customers, during the years, has suggested us some improvements in order for that the handling and transport are enhanced, simplifying the life of the testing engineers that everyday has to move all the equipments on site.
Starting from the well established EN 13284-1 (total dust) sampling train we added the impingers set as required. The cooling bath is positioned in the rear part of the probe and fixed to it. The perfect coupling between filter holder and first impingers assure a leak-free connection, essential to get the desired result.
Instead of ice as cooling agent, ISOFROST 3 can be used, as alternative. The comfortable tank can accept up to qty 7500 cc impingers.
Side stream sampling is an alternative permitted by the standard. With our BRAVO X or EASY GAS PLUS samplers is possible to work at very low flow with 250 cc impingers.
All the wetted parts in contact with the sample are built with inert material such as glass, quartz, PTFE or titanium.
Side Stream Sample
(Isokinetic Sampler)
360° Rotating Probe
(Isokinetic Heated Probe for Stack)
(Condensing Device)
(Condensing Device)
EasyGas Plus
Constant Flow Sampler
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+39 02 3664.8635
Via delle Primule, 16
Cogliate (MB), I-20815
+39 02 3664.8635
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