
Isokinetic Automatic Sampling System

Industrial Emissions TCR Tecora
G8 Sistema Campionamento Automatico Isocinetico 800

Main socket with FUSES


Pitot tube quick connectors


TC Connector Stack Fumes


TC Connector Impinger bath*


TC Connector Last Impinger*


TC Connector Heated Probe*


TC Connector Heated Box*


Heated device supply*


Inlet Gas with Protection Filter


BY PASS Regulation


Coloured Touch Screen

* Se presente tra le opzioni.

G8, 5th-generation Isokinetic Sampler

G8 Sistema di Campionamento Isocinetico TCR Tecora
G8 Isocinetico Pannello Posteriore

Compliant with:

EN 13284
EN ISO 16911-1
US EPA M5, M17
ISO 12141:2002

G8 Isokinetic Two New Versions Light and Mini

After more than 40 years of experience about automatic isokinetic sampling systems, after ISOSTACK B6(80’s-90’s) after the acclaimed ISOKINETIC G4 (2000-2020), the 3rd generation of isokinetic sampler is finally arrived. We are proud to introduce ISOKINETIC G8, the most advanced sampler in the market, updated to all EN and EPA standard as well as fully compliant to
the metrological chain requirements mentioned in the standard ISO17025.

The main components that has been the strength during these years has been readjusted to run with the new digital architecture. The last technology has been adopted to design the most as it is powerful electronic platform as it is simple. A pre-test period as confirmed the very high MTBF of all hardware and software. The very stable and easy to use G4 sw platform has been the base to develop the new G8 user interface.

The starting point and most important objective was: make the life of testing and sampling engineers simple.
Nowadays, during sampling activities, the mandatory rationalization of the working day impose to manage more sampling at the same time. The automation level of ISOKINETIC G8 makes that you don’t need to be worried about it.
Warning and alarm messages are sent to your phone via G8 app, so you have total control any time, anywhere!!

Reduced Weight and Dimensions

The introduction of new internal components has led to a significant decrease of weight facing the request form the national requirements about human working load limits. The limited operating space in most of the sampling platforms has been the starting point from which our R&D has been engaged in order to design a sampler with better performances and better handling/transportability.

New Characteristics

  • Connection with on line analyzer to acquire CO2 and O2 data for an accurate and real time gas density calculation (optional). Also other pollutants can be archived in a dedicated report;

  • Advanced digital high resolution differential pressure sensors with near zero drift. High temperature stability over the sampling period;

  • Fixed point stack gas speed measure as required from ISO16911-1;

  • 3D pitot data acquisition and management (optional);

  • Automatic unattended sensor verification;

  • Background diagnostic test procedure to ensure total efficiency during sampling;

  • USB/wifi/bluetooth interface to download data;

  • Wide resistive touch screen. any type of touching material can manage it (gloves, pen, etc). All the informations are available in a clear high res view;

  • Connection with all samplers and devices of TCR TECORA X line (BRAVO X series, DRYX gas conditioning system, G10 T PROBE and other);

  • Connection with swirl angle meter to verify the flow as required from ISO16911-1 (optional);

  • Connection with laser distance sensor to acquire the stack grid data (optional);

Portability and sturdiness empowered through a steel and aluminium frame and ABS panels
Reduction of cables and connections toward probes and other devices: a single umbilical cable includes the cables for the heated uses
Sampling flow even more flexible with 4 or 8 m3/h

Main Characteristics

  • Total isokinetic control within the standard limits with very fast response and high flow stability even in the most unstable stack gas speed conditions;
  • Volume measurement with dry gas meter;
  • Sampling flow measurement with mass flow meter;
  • In-stack temperature and velocity measurement;
  • Wide duct library to archive all the sites data;
  • Data logger function with saving data on internal memory or external USB key (supplied with the instrument);
  • Very high MTBF wich results in low maintenance and low spares expences;
  • All sensors can be calibrated as required from ISO17025;
  • Auto check at starting;
  • Leak test in line during sampling;
  • Calculation for MSSI impactor;
  • Log measurements and alarms;
  • Automatic re-start in case of flue gas velocity alarm.

Technical Characterisctics

G8 Isokinetic Technical Features TCR Tecora


G8 Isokinetic Temperature TCR Tecora

Volume measurement

G8 Isokinetic Volume Measurement


g8 Isokinetic Codes TCR Tecora

Download the Data Sheet of the New G8 Isokinetic

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+39 02 3664.8635