Echo PM
Atmospheric Particulate Sampler PM10, PM2.5 and PM1

Lock with Key
Air Outlet
Carrying Handle
Sonic Anemometer
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
Sensors Connection
Color Touchscreen
USB Input
ON/OFF Button and Power Cable Connection
Echo PM Atmospheric Particulate Sampler
ECHO PM is a “stand alone” Atmospheric Particulate Sampler instrument, projected also for outdoor operation in harsh climatic conditions.
The wide regulation range and the accurate electronic flow sampling control at either actual or standard conditions, makes ECHO PM in accordance with the reference methods EN 12341 for PM 10 with head LVS PM10 2.3 m3/h, and US EPA 40 CFR part 50 for PM10 and PM2.5 at 1m3/h.*
Developed and realized to allow the maximum utilizing flexibility, the ECHO PM satisfies the hardware and software requests that permits up to 2 sequential sampling lines**.
Supplied with respective sampling head ECHO PM can be utilized respecting the “ISO/CD 16362 for the determination of policycles aromatic hydrocarbon PAHs” sampling norms.
*Possibility to monitor PM10, PM2.5, PM1, REALTIME trend concentrations and 24 sizes classes particle distribution and CO2 and relative humidity.
**Facultative options.
Echo PM Main Features
Echo PM Technical Features
Echo PM Applications
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