FANGHI: TCR Tecora talks about the project
FANGHI: TCR Tecora talks about the project.
FANGHI (Forme Avanzate di Gestione dei Fanghi di Depurazione in un Hub Innovativo Lombardo), is one of the 33 projects of excellence, winner of the Lombardy Region call “Call Hub Ricerca e Innovazione”, also financed with ERDF ROP 2014-2020 funds.
FANGHI talks about Circular Economy: re-using stabilized waste (sewage sludge) represents an opportunity for a region like Lombardy which produces about 500,000 tons every year (Regional Env. Agency ARPA 2017 data).
FANGHI talks also about Sustainability: an environmental and toxicological assessment impact regarding the use of this resource in a traditional way as an agricultural soil improver or in thermal enhancement, aimed at protecting the well-being of people and the environment.
The PhD. Maria Grazia Perrone together with Dr. Paolo Lopinto talk about the TCR Tecora role within this important as well as ambitious project.